The Mountain Valley War Page 5
“Nice, you will make me a scroll for that. Heck, you should make one for each of us,” said Rose.
I’ll need to level the skill up first just to increase my chances and I’ll still get some failures, after all, I only had an 18.00% chance, +1.00% per skill level of the skill I want to craft a skill book or scroll for.
Runology (Evolved from Writing)
Level: 72
Experience: 14.14%
Professional Skill: Runology is the art of communicating power.
Chance to Learn Rank I Unknown Rune: 36.00%
Chance to Craft Rank I Skill Book: +18.00%
Chance to Craft Lesser Spell Book: +9.00%
Professional Skill: Writing is the ability to communicate through the written word.
Norse Expertise: +100% to craft any known Norse spell or skill book of Rank I regardless of level.
Greek Expertise: +100% to craft any known Greek spell or skill book of Rank I regardless of level.
“I need to level it up and we don’t know how fast it will increase as I level. And, just guessing here, but I would bet it only improves by 0.05% per level,” I said, agreeing with her but also expressing the reality of the situation.
“Some mental resistance is better than none,” said Rose. “Anyway, now we have a goal, we’re not stopping until you get that skill to level 20.”
I knew it was the smart thing to do, but it didn’t mean I had to like it.
“Now, once again, look into my eyes,” said Rose, her amusement renewed.
By the time I reached level 20 for ‘Mental Armor’, I was surer than ever that I hated ‘Vampiric Stare’. There was one other good thing that came from all the training. Letting Rose beat on me like that gave me a second skill called ‘Resist’, a skill Rose already had.
You have learned a new skill ‘Resist’
Level: 13
Experience: 51.23%
Skill Effect (Passive): You have suffered greatly, so much so, that you have started to become numb to the pain. Resist -13-HP physical damage received. Resist -13-HP poison damage received. Resist -13-HP elemental damage received.
I do love new skills.
Chapter 3
I was up early the next morning, even after training with Rose far too late in the evening. It was admittedly a struggle to get up and get going. Even if I gained plenty of skill levels to my new abilities. That’s in addition to hitting my level 10 cap for Endurance, after letting Rose beat on me for so long without mercy, putting me up to a whopping 2,500-HP. I still had a long way to go before the rest of my stats hit the level 10 cap, but I had time. I was still a long way from hitting level 11.
As to being up early, the plan was to get an early start. Whether or not we could report to Captain Grandmite, there was plenty we could be doing.
“Morning Jack,” Rose greeted me first, looking wide awake and raring to go. Where she found the energy, I would never know.
“Morning,” I replied, stifling a yawn.
“Good morning, Bye-bye,” said Olaf, entering from the kitchen carrying a tray of bacon.
“It’s a simple breakfast, but it will do,” said Micaela, as she entered the room just behind her husband, carrying a large pan filled with fluffy scrambled eggs. “I know my cooking skill isn’t very high yet, but eggs and bacon are well within my wheelhouse.”
“Works for me,” I said, taking one of the open seats next to Rose while Micaela placed a scoop of eggs on each plate.
“Thanks,” said Rose, taking a few slices of bacon and putting them on her plate.
I mirrored the action but took extra. I knew full well by this point that Rose would steal some from me. I don’t know why she didn’t just take the bacon she wanted but I figured it wasn’t worth the battle.
“Let’s eat quickly and get moving,” said Olaf, digging in.
“I know the bacon is pig, but if we had steak and eggs, would that be considered cannibalism?” Heath asked, looking at Olaf and Micaela before tearing off a bite of bacon.
“Then you can call me a cannibal,” said Micaela. “I refuse to give up steak. Let’s just call it my Human half eating the steak. I’ll have extra veggies for my Cow half, that balances it out, right?”
Most of us chuckled, this kind of thing was why I loved this group.
“Consider this,” Baby started. “This is all digital, is it really pig you’re eating? Or steak?”
“You just had to ruin my fun,” complained Heath. “You and your . . . stupid logic . . . bah, who needs it.”
I could only shake my head and laugh with my friends. “Heath, just eat the pig, then we need to go see what time the Captain gets on shift.”
Heath grinned, digging into his food with the same gusto Olaf did.
Exiting the manor before the Duchess was up, we moved quickly through the small gateway and out into the city. The braziers hanging above us seemed to have been dimmed, though I imagined they would be brightened as it gets closer to sunrise.
Walking up the street I was surprised by how vacant the city felt. I know it was early, but this was eerie compared to the hustle and bustle of Root City. Though this city was also considerably smaller by comparison.
The smaller gates that led outside of Hammerton were closed when we got there, a pair of Dwarven guards on either side. The gate guards were quick to direct us to the barracks immediately to the left of the gates. This building, like the others that lined the street, was carved into the side of the mountain. The barracks door was wide open with two Dwarves standing guard in full armor on either side of the entrance, they looked like they were struggling to stay awake.
“Morning soldiers,” said Olaf, marching up to the pair and snapping them out of their sleep deprived daze.
“Morning adventurer,” said the Dwarf on the left,
“I’m Olaf Crushhammer, my group and I were instructed to report to Captain Grandmite this morning,” the Minotaur explained.
“Captain Grandmite should be up in about 15-minutes. You can wait for her here or come back in 15-minutes,” the other Dwarf answered,
“How long before the Captain reports for duty?” Olaf followed up. “No sense in rushing her and possibly getting on her bad side.”
“Captain Grandmite is on duty from morning bell to evening bell,” the same Guard answered.
Looking at my game clock it was just after 6:00, morning bell was at 7:00. We had almost an hour to kill.
“Can I get you two some water? You look like you’re about to keel over,” Micaela offered, cutting off Olaf from whatever he was about to say.
“Mighty kind of you ma’am, but it would be wrong to trouble you so,” said the first Dwarf.
“Oh, it’s no trouble at all,” said Micaela, pulling one of her gourds from her belt and offering it to them.
The first Guard eyed the gourd and licked his lips. Clearly, he was thirsty.
“We cannot,” he reiterated.
“It’s not poisoned,” said Micaela, up ending the gourd over her mouth and pouring clear liquid into her mouth for them to see.
“Come on, Denslo, it looks safe to me,” said the level 9 Guard, giving us a name for the other guard, the nameplate changing to
Denslo grumbled a little before taking the gourd and pouring a little into his mouth. He swished it around a little before swallowing. He waited a minute before he upended the gourd again, this time letting it pour, swallowing it down until it splashed over his face. Then he passed the gourd to the other guard. “Seems safe enough, Dinger.”
Dinger eagerly accepted the gourd, pouring some into his waiting gob, guzzling down as much as he could. “Ah, now that was sweet watery goodness. Thank you, lass.”
“Happy to help you out, Coffee was glad you liked his stamina rich water,” said Micaela, happily taking the gourd back and hooking it back to her belt.
“The w
ater was great, but some coffee would hit just the spot right now, ruddy Major has us pulling double shifts with all the activity going on in Anvilton,” complained Dinger.
“It cannot be helped. Any time those Shalies, erm the Shale Dwarves, get up to something, it is all hands-on-deck. You saw the state of the patrol sent to meet the Duchess,” countered Denslo.
“I do not see why we just do not wipe them out and be done with it,” said Dinger, more than a little venom in his voice.
Denslo rolled his eyes. “You are still young Dinger. You have not seen war. And now, the Shalies have hired on adventurers, it bodes ill for us, lad.”
“Got to be better than this,” complained Dinger, looking away.
“So, we have some time to kill before Captain Grandmite is available, is there anything we can do to help either of you out?” Micaela asked.
“Nah, lass, the water was more than enough, thank you again for that,” said Denslo.
“Um, do you think . . . well . . . I mean, would you mind . . . you know, since you offered . . .” sputtered Dinger.
Denslo rolled his eyes. “Lad wants to know if you would be willing to run down the street to Filina’s Bakery and get a few of her Hot Pork Buns. They tend to run out fast and by the time we get off duty they will probably all be gone.”
Quest Alert: Hot Rolls for the Hammerton Guards
Run down the street to Filina’s Bakery and purchase a half-dozen Hot Pork Buns for Hammerton Guard Dinger.
Reward: Experience, 2-Silver
Do you accept this quest?
“Happy to,” said Micaela, grinning a little.
“Thank you very much,” said Dinger emphatically.
“We’ll be back shortly,” Micaela promised.
“I think you’ve created a monster, mate,” Olaf whispered to me as we followed Micaela down the street.
I could only shake my head. It was great that Micaela was pushing for quests like that, really talking to the Guards and digging for information. I was proud of her . . . and maybe a little annoyed with myself for not doing the same.
The bakery was easy to find, partly due to the fantastic smell of freshly baked bread filling the air and partly due to the small line that had started to form outside the door. Said door was a farmhouse split door where just the top half of the door opened, creating a countertop effect. The sign carved into the stone above the shop reading ‘Filina’s Bakery’ also helped.
“Morning everyone,” shouted a Dwarven woman when the top half of the door opened. “I am sorry to inform you, but I only have fifty of my Hot Pork Buns this morning, so I am going to have to limit it to two per customer,” she announced, earning a cacophony of groans and grumbles.
Thankfully, all six of us were close enough to the front of the line, so we would be able to get enough and have one left for each of us. There was no way we were buying these for the Guards without buying at least one for each of us.
“Well now, this is quite the surprise,” said the Dwarven woman manning the counter when the first of us got to the countertop. “I do not think I have seen adventurers show up for my Hot Pork Buns before. I am Filina Grindstone, this here is me bakery.”
“Yes ma’am,” said Olaf, crouching low to fit under the awning. “Two please.”
“Here you are, 1-silver,” Filina said, holding out a bag to Olaf.
Olaf dropped the coin on the counter and collected his prize. It didn’t take long for all of us to do the same, that is until it was Micaela’s turn.
“My, those do smell wonderful,” Micaela said, dropping her coin on the counter. “Can I ask, why so few today?”
“Aye, you can ask. Not much I can do about it I am afraid,” started Filina.
If I was a cat, my ears would be twitching like mad right now. How did I miss this?
“The Hunters have been unable to bring in a boar lately. This time of year, the boars mostly populate the southern slopes . . . and well, with tensions as they are, the Hunters dare not go near the southern slopes as that is Anvilton territory,” Filina explained.
“We can go,” said Micaela jumping on the opportunity. “We’re adventurers, worse case we die and come back. Want us to go hunt you a boar or two?”
“Aye, that would be a truly wonderful thing if you would,” said Filina.
“If we do, think you would be willing to teach me a bit about baking?” Micaela asked, seeing another opportunity.
“I might be persuaded, assuming you can deliver,” offered Filina.
Quest Alert: A Boar’ing Task (Recommended Level 8-10)
Filina Grindstone has asked you to brave the danger of the south slopes, part of Anvilton’s territory, to acquire that most delicious of meats, PORK! Bring back at least 1 boar, bonus for each additional boar brought back.
Reward: Experience, Cooking lessons or 1-Gold (1-Gold Bonus per Boar)
Do you accept this quest?
“Happy to,” said Micaela, accepting the quest for all of us.
“If I can make a suggestion, I would rent a wagon, strong though you may be, carrying a few hundred-pounds of boar might be a bit beyond you,” suggested Filina.
“We’ll do that, thank you,” said Micaela, picking up on yet another possible quest. “Where might we hire such a wagon?”
“Well . . . there be the trouble,” said Filina. “The only Dwarf I know to be stu- . . . erm, brave enough to venture to the southern slope would be Old Krangle’s boy.”
I was suddenly feeling obsolete, like I had been replaced, my form and function overwritten by Micaela Crushhammer. She pushed all the right buttons and dug deep to pull out two quests in less than an hour with a possible third quest at the wagon rental shop. I was also very impressed, Micaela continued to surprise me in the best ways.
“Where can we find Old Krangle?” Micaela asked.
“His wagon shop and stable is just opposite the barracks. I should warn you. He is a crotchety old Dwarf and he will not trade you fair if he can get away with it,” said Filina. “Now, there are Dwarves behind you, desperate to get my buns while they are still hot.”
“Right, sorry, thank you for the information and the buns. We’ll be back later with a few boars for you,” said Micaela, smiling as she skipped away.
“Careful Bye-bye, or I’ll take your job as cool stuff finder,” taunted Micaela as she skipped past me and continued back down the street toward the barracks.
“Boss is the best,” said Vision, trotting along right behind her.
“Did that just happen?” I asked, not quite believing what I just heard.
“Oh, it happened,” teased Rose, giggling slightly.
“Alright, challenge accepted,” I stated, determined to reclaim my role as the ‘cool stuff finder’ . . . oh Goddess, now I was calling myself that.
We returned to the Guards and handed over the half-dozen Hot Pork Buns.
Quest Alert: Hot Rolls for the Hammerton Guards – Completed!
Run down the street to Filina’s Bakery and purchase a half-dozen Hot Pork Buns for Hammerton Guard Dinger.
Reward: +500-Experience, 2-Silver
It was a pittance of 2-Silver each and just +500-Experience, but many of the simple fetch quests like this one were. Still, every quest we completed meant improving our reputation with Hammerton, and the more we improved our reputation, the higher our chances of getting bigger and better quests.
“The Captain ought to be out in another ten minutes to start her shift,” volunteered Dinger.
“Thank you, we’ll wait,” said Olaf, taking out his Hot Pork Bun and biting into it then groaning in pleasure. “Okay, I can see why these are so popular.”
I followed suit and found I agreed completely. Rose and Baby both happily ate theirs while Micaela split hers with Vision. When hers was gone, Vision went to each of us in turn, looking hungrily at the buns, licking his jowls.
“We need to get a lot of
boars,” stated Rose. “A lot of boars,” she reiterated, taking another bite, then tossing the last bite up where Vision snatched it from the air, swallowing it in one bite.
“It’s a little salty for me but still tasty,” said Baby, getting a small glare from her sister and a more severe glare from the Guards and Micaela. “What? Pork is salty, it’s a fact.” She also tossed the remaining half of her bun to Vision.
I could only shake my head, choosing instead to focus on my own Hot Pork Bun, enjoying the pork stuffed with herbs and cheese then wrapped in the moistest bread I had ever tasted.
“Huh, you are here already,” said Captain Grandmite as she emerged from the barracks, looking less than pleased to see us.
I quickly tossed my last bite to Vision while Olaf turned to address her, his Hot Pork Bun long gone.
“Awe, no more?” Vision asked, looking around longingly for any of the Hot Buns before he stuck his nose in the air, following the scent to Guard Dinger. The pup sat on his haunches and stared up at the Guard, looking longingly toward Dinger’s pack.
“Morning, Captain Grandmite,” said Olaf, saluting her and doing his best to ignore Vision. “Olaf Crushhammer and company reporting for duty.”
The Captain rolled her eyes. “Do me a favor, stop playing at being a soldier. I do not care if you once were or if you have a Military Grade class. You are not a soldier. At best, you are a mercenary.”
“Alright, Captain,” said Olaf, dropping the salute unreturned. “The Duchess said we were to report to you, so here we are. How can we help?”
“Stay out of the way of my soldiers for a start,” the Captain complained under her breath. “As to helping, we need meat. With the Rock Giants riled up the way they are, the town Hunters have been struggling to bring in enough bear meat to feed the soldiers. Kill and deliver 10 bears to Corporal Jod, our quartermaster.”