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World Tree Online: The Duchess of Hammers: 2nd Dive Begins Page 10

  Rose nodded before looking to Rhyes. “Lead the way, big guy.”

  “As you will, Miss Rose,” he replied.

  “Now that all the excitement is over, I believe you owe me a better explanation as to how you came to be in this situation, to begin with,” stated Rose, as we followed behind Rhyes and the captured assassin.

  So, I told the tale from the time we split up, glossing over my meeting with my Goddess for fear of suddenly becoming brain dead. Rationally, I knew it was unlikely she could do such a thing but why risk it?

  “Olaf is going to be so mad he didn’t follow you today,” laughed Rose merrily, a smile lighting up her face.

  “His loss,” I laughed in return. “Speaking of following me today. How did you know I was in trouble?”

  “I felt it,” she answered, not looking at me.

  “From the link thing?” I asked.

  “Yeah,” she answered. I could hear a little nervousness in her voice.

  “Thank you, you really saved me today.” Rose looked sharply at me, a bit of surprise on her face. “Why do you look surprised?”

  “Well, I was worried you might think I was . . . interfering or forcing my way into your quests,” she replied.

  “Rose, you saved me today, I panicked when she ambushed me. If you hadn’t come when you did I would have been sent for respawn and who knows what might have happened then,” I explained. “Besides, I like having you around.” I should have left it there, but I just couldn’t help myself. “Tank slaves are always welcomed.”

  Rose’s smile turned sour as she punched me in the arm for the comment. I swear I felt a bone snap similar to when Issara kicked me earlier. Then she took my arm and simply walked in stride with me, a small blush on her cheeks coming through her ash colored skin.

  “Where is the nearest graveyard?” Rose asked, I think the question was directed at Rhyes.

  “From here, probably fifth ring or the outskirts,” Rhyes answered.

  “The outskirts?” I asked.

  “Outside of Root City proper there are miles of farms, mines, and lumbermills. They run all the way to the outer edge of the canopy, the provinces start after that,” he replied, also making me wonder if Olaf and Micaela knew about the outskirts or even Heath for that matter. Part of me also wanted to explore the outskirts, if only to see all of what was there.

  “How long would it have taken to return here from the outskirts?” Rose asked.

  “From here, maybe 10-hours, maybe half a day,” he answered.

  “It certainly would have gotten you out of the way for a good amount of time, more than long enough for you to miss your guard shift with the Duchess,” commented Rose.

  “Do you think the others were attacked?” I asked, Rose.

  “I hope not,” she said softly, I could hear a little worry in her voice.

  “I’m sure they’re fine, Baby should be more than safe in a hospital,” I tried to reassure her. “Remember, I went looking for trouble and made myself a target of opportunity.”

  That seemed to reassure her a little. “You’re right,” she said, but I felt she was trying to convince herself more than anything. “Besides, we all know you’re a trouble magnet,” she teased me, but I could still hear her worry.

  “See, exactly my point,” I joked back.

  Rhyes led us through the streets unerringly, he clearly knew his way around while I had no doubt Rose and I were good and lost by now. I didn’t even have an inclination of where we were until I caught the familiar whiff of fresh fish. Or was it rotting fish? Was there even a difference?

  “Oh yeah, getting close to the fish market,” said Rose, waving a hand in front of her face. “That is just rank.”

  “You get used to it,” laughed Rhyes, startling his prisoner slightly and waking her up, the woman began to kick and squirm only for Rhyes to punch her in the gut, earning a whimper of pain from the girl. “That’s enough squirming out of you.”

  The woman coughed and hacked, eventually settling for glaring at the patrolman.

  “Feisty, isn’t she?” Rose asked, earning a glare from the would-be assassin which softened suddenly before she went almost boneless over the patrolman’s shoulder.

  At first, I thought maybe she had another hidden suicide pill. Rose and I rushed forward to check on her, but she wasn’t dead. In fact, she was smiling contentedly and sighing almost dreamily, which if I’m being honest, might have been scarier than the glaring . . . if the glaring were ever scary. I suppose I should say the change in behavior was scary and the glaring was not. I understood the glaring, the sighing and smiling, not so much. Was she a masochist or something and decided to just enjoy being chained up while she could?

  Now that we were closer, she was looking between Rose and I intently and continuing with the sighing in delight, then she started throwing in a little giggle every now and then.

  “Why is she doing that?” Rose asked, a quick glance at her told me she was feeling just as uncomfortable as I was.

  “Ardentia Guild,” Rhyes started, then sighed heavily and shook his head.

  “What is that supposed to mean?” I asked.

  The man growled in annoyance before pausing to face us. “Ardentia Guild are worshipers of love, lust, and passion. They work to protect love,” he answered, rolling his eyes as he said ‘love’. “Or so they claim, but there must be some really messed up definitions of love with the trouble they get up to.”

  “How does love lead one to become an assassin?” Rose asked, almost as confused as I was.

  “Let us say you two love each other,” Rhyes started, my face heated instantly, and the assassin started giggling even harder. “Say one of your other friends claimed to love one of you more. He or she could present their claim to the guild’s soothsayers and with a big enough bribe, they will validate his or her claim. This will cause an assassin to be sent after one of you to protect true love or some such nonsense.”

  “The soothsayers do not take bribes!” the assassin protested loudly, finally breaking her silence.

  “Keep telling yourself that kid,” huffed Rhyes. The rest of the walk to the district office was completed in silence, except for the sighing and giggling assassin that kept looking at Rose and I with what I could now define as a whimsical expression on her face.

  “Patrolman Everson, reporting in, Sergeant Griggs,” said Rhyes, saluting the watch sergeant.

  The orc looked up and saw me again along with Rose and the giggling assassin. “Your problem,” he said simply, going back to his paperwork.

  “Did he just . . .” started Rose

  “Pretend we weren’t here,” finished Rhyes. “Pretty much.” He shrugged both shoulders, jostling the assassin slightly before he went back into the jump room. “This time, you only need to step onto the pad, it will always return you to the barracks tied to this pad.”

  I grinned a little eagerly, I hoped this was going to be as amazing as the first time.

  Rhyes dropped the assassin unceremoniously on the jump pad, causing her to vanish first. “See you in a moment,” said Rhyes, stepping onto the pad and vanishing next.

  “Where’d he go?” Rose asked.

  “The barracks in the second ring, not far from where we are staying,” I answered.

  “Teleporters?” Rose asked, staring wide-eyed at the small platform.

  I nodded, I wanted to jump first, but the voice of my mother screeched through my head that I better let the lady go first. “After you,” I offered.

  “Is it safe?” she asked, studying the pad carefully.

  “Yeah, and a lot of fun,” I answered, grinning.

  Rose accepted my response and stepped onto the pad and vanished.

  It was my turn and I was more than ready to go. I stepped onto the pad and was airborne a moment later. What a view! Looking at the massive tree from this height was a sight to behold. I paid more attention this time, looking at the city below, each ring clearly getting nicer and nicer the closer it got
to the trunk. I also saw portals as I flew over, so many portals. Where did they all go? How many of them were there? Would anyone ever be able to map them all?

  The ride ended much too soon as I rematerialized on the barracks jump pad, a grin stretched from ear to ear. Right away, I saw a pair of guards holding onto the assassin while Rhyes was busy patting someone’s back. It took me a second to realize he was patting Rose on the back as she wretched into some nearby bushes.

  I was there in an instant, taking over for Rhyes. Thankfully he didn’t protest.

  “That was awesome,” said Rose between wretches. “Right up until I arrived, then breakfast decided it didn’t agree.”

  I risked looking at Rhyes as I held her hair back. “I honestly thought that would be you the first time you jumped,” he said, then added, “It usually takes a few jumps before people get used to it.”

  I continued to rub Rose’s armored back. It accomplished nothing, but at least she knew I was there.

  Eventually, Rose’s stomach seemed to catch up with her and settle in. “I think I’m good now,” said Rose, standing straight again. Rhyes slipped something into my hand and a quick look showed me it was a handkerchief. I promptly gave it to Rose, who gratefully accepted it.

  It was another minute before Rhyes reclaimed custody of the assassin and escorted us to the lieutenant’s office.

  “Enter,” called the man from inside his office after Rhyes knocked loudly on the door.

  “Patrolman Everson, reporting in, sir,” said Rhyes, entering then saluting the lieutenant.

  “At ease, Patrolman,” said Saaya, returning the salute. “I’ve already gotten the initial report from Sr. Patrolman Corvo, I take it this is the courier that tried to escape. Did you recover the evidence?”

  I produced the scroll and handed it to him.

  Saaya growled when he looked at it. “Those twice cursed Soothsayers,” he snapped loudly, straining not to tear up the scroll. Then he turned on the assassin. “What is the passcode?”

  The girl refused to answer, choosing instead to look at Rose and I, giggling and sighing.

  Saaya rolled his eyes. “Ardentia,” he growled in annoyance. “You two recovered this?” he asked looking at Rose and I.

  “Yes sir,” we answered together.

  “Well done, both of you, you are both to be commended,” he said, a quest completion popping up for us. “You and your companion have both proved yourselves capable and trustworthy. Please accept my gratitude and the offer to train here with my soldiers any time you wish. Your other companions are also permitted in your company.”

  Quest Alert: Blood Trail to Where? 5 (Recommended Level 6-8) - Complete

  The assassin has been caught and the scroll recovered. Alas, the scroll is blank. Any information you wish to obtain will have to be gained directly from the assassin. Report back to the barracks with Patrolman Rhyes to speak with Lieutenant Saaya.

  Reward: +-2,000-Experience, Access to Barracks Trainers and Training Equipment

  “Alas, I must also ask the both you to assist me a little further,” said Saaya. “I worry about how the guild knew where to find you. It suggests one of my . . . soldiers leaked the information. It also means I cannot trust anyone, save for the people in this room, to investigate this any further. I need you to find someone capable of breaking the enchantment on this parchment.”

  Quest Alert: Blood Trail to Where? 6 (Recommended Level 6-8)

  You have returned both the scroll and the assassin to the barracks and Lieutenant Saaya. Having learned the scroll has been enchanted to hide the information contained within, Lt. Saaya has asked you to find someone capable of breaking the enchantment and bring the information back to him.

  Reward: Experience, Information on the Ardentia Guild’s attempt to assassinate Bye-bye Jacko

  Do you accept this Quest?



  “Oh, you bet we will,” said Rose, happily accepting the quest. I noticed she looked quite a bit better than when we entered the room, nausea from the jump having finally passed.

  “I thank you for that, as for the assassin . . . I’m afraid she won’t say anything. The minute she accepted transporting that scroll she was bound by the same enchantment,” said Saaya. “Still, we will hold her. Hopefully, if you break that enchantment, we will be able to get some information from her.”

  “Thank you, sir,” I said gratefully.

  “Oh, and Warrior Priest, did you learn anything?” asked the lieutenant, giving me a look as if studying me now.

  “Yes sir, I believe I did,” I answered.

  Class Quest Alert: Tour of Duty I - Completed

  Accompany Patrolman Rhyes Everson on duty and assist him in any way possible.

  Reward: +1,000-Experience, 4-Silver, 6-Sigils of Issara

  “Good, you are welcome to assist my men anytime,” he said with a nod. “Now, is there anything I can do to assist either of you?”

  I was about to say ‘no’ when Rose spoke up.

  “You had a patrolman that used two shields, Patrolman Harrison, I think,” she began. “Can he teach me to use two shields like he does?”

  Saaya chuckled. “A bit of a masochist, are you? Come back tomorrow, promptly at midafternoon bell. I will have Patrolman Harrison waiting for you. Just be prepared, he might just be the toughest patrolman I have ever known, and I have known a few.”

  “I’ll be here,” said Rose eagerly.

  Seeing as Rose had a plan in mind, a quick look at my spear made me wonder if a trainer here would be able to help me learn another subskill or two. “Do you have a spear trainer?”

  “That’s right, I heard you were a spear wielder,” started Saaya, studying me. “What level and rank?”

  “Still rank one but level seventy-two,” I answered, feeling like there might be something special waiting for me when I met a certain requirement.

  “Not bad but not good enough,” answered Saaya, sounding disappointed by my answer. “Report to Sr. Patrolman Habersham tomorrow at midafternoon bell.”

  “What if I was rank II?” I asked, my curiosity about his disappointment suggested he was looking for something specific.

  “Then just maybe, I might have given you some of my time,” he replied, his feral grin should have made me run away, but now I just had to find out.

  “If I can get to rank II in a couple days, will you teach me?” I asked, wondering if it would be enough.

  “Maybe, get to rank II in a couple of days and you will find out,” he replied, challenging me and issuing me a quest at the same time.

  Quest Alert: Spear Mastery 1 (Recommended Level 7-9)

  The gauntlet has been thrown. You have been challenged to raise your ‘One-Handed Polearms’ or ‘Two-Handed Polearms’ skill to Rank II in 48-hours. If you succeed, Lieutenant Saaya himself just might train you. 48:00:00

  Reward: Experience, Unique Polearm Subskill Training

  Do you accept this Quest?



  “Challenge accepted,” I said, grinning like a loon even as the clock started ticking down. A unique skill, how amazing was that going to be.

  Saaya’s grin matched my own, making me think he was as excited for this as I was. “Well then, I will see you here in two days, assuming you can pull it off. Now, get out of here, all of you. Rhyes, drop our new guest off in a cell, keep her isolated if you can and stand guard, I will find you a relief we can trust by the end of your shift.”

  “Sir, yes sir,” said Rhyes, saluting the officer.

  Rose and I were both giddy as we left the barracks behind.

  “That was amazing,” Rose gushed excitedly. “I also got a profession quest for that evidence. I need to learn an ‘Enchanting’ subskill called ‘Break Enchantment’.”

  “That is awesome,” I replied, genuinely excited for her. “The Lieutenant gave me a quest that will give me a unique skill.”

  “Ooh, I think you might have gotten the better end of
it. Still, I’m very happy with my quest for shield training with Patrolman Harrison,” she countered.

  “Let’s be honest, we both just made out like bandits,” I added happily. Today ended up being a great day and there was still plenty more to come given my game clock said it was barely past noon.

  “Jack, you really know how to treat a girl,” laughed Rose, promptly taking my arm as we walked back the Duchess’s temporary manor and our home for the week, only making a quick stop at the library for Rose to get some additional books for her ‘Enchanting’ profession.

  Chapter 7 - Heath

  Heath Rickards stalked his prey, silent as a ghost but even stealthier. At least that was what he told himself. This butler he’d been stalking was extremely boring, always cleaning something or ordering one member of the staff or another around. Heath couldn’t quite reconcile the old fuddy-duddy in front of him with a man that would carry around that kind of reading material in his coat pocket. It wasn’t exactly suspicious, but it was a bit of a mystery. Still, Heath knew he’d probably already spent too much time following him around. He did have a job to do.

  The perfect opportunity had just come along too, a young maid that was way too pretty to be working such a lowborn job.

  “Miss Monica, where are you going with those sheets?” the butler asked.

  “I was on my way to change the bed sheets of the mistress’s guests,” she answered demurely, it didn’t quite fit with the attractive woman’s appearance.

  “Very well, when you are done with that, Daisy could use some help polishing the silverware,” ordered the man.

  “I will join her as soon as I am finished,” she assured the old man, one hand gently pressed against the man’s arm, making him suddenly appear slightly flustered.

  “Very good, move along,” said the man, a slight quiver in his voice. Before the girl could flirt with him any further, he retreated.